Saltdean Private House

Brighton & Hove
In the heart of Saltdean, a private house stood with years of history etched into its wooden floors. The charm and character were undeniable, but so was the wear and tear. At GJP Floor Sanding, we took on this project with the aim to breathe new life into these tired floors.

About the Job

The task at hand involved multiple rooms in this charming home – each one boasting unique features that required careful consideration during our restoration process. From scuffed hallways to worn-out living areas, every room presented a different challenge.

The condition of the wooden flooring varied across spaces; some rooms had rugged textures while others displayed dull grey hues due to prolonged use and lack of maintenance. Despite their current state, it was clear that these floors held immense potential for transformation.

Our objective was not just about restoring functionality but also reviving aesthetics – creating smooth surfaces that would complement architectural elements like large windows or wall colours perfectly.

GJP Floor Sanding London exceeded my expectations with their exceptional service and stunning results. The team was professional, punctual, and highly skilled, transforming my worn-out wooden floors into a beautiful and polished surface. I highly recommend GJP Floor Sanding London to anyone looking to rejuvenate their flooring and add value to their home.

Sarah Thompson

What We Did

At GJP Floor Sanding London, we believe in using top-of-the-line equipment coupled with skilled craftsmanship for all our projects. For this Saltdean home too, we employed our meticulous sanding process which is designed to handle any floor type – no matter how rough or worn out it may be initially.

We began by thoroughly inspecting each room’s flooring condition before devising an appropriate course of action involving sanding and buffing services tailored specifically for each space’s needs. Our team used high-grade professional lacquers from brands such as Bonakemi, Loba & Junkers along with Blanchon gap filling resin where necessary for achieving optimal results.

As part of our comprehensive service package offered at GJP Floor Sanding London , additional treatments like staining & varnishing or oil application were performed based on individual requirements identified during initial assessments . These steps ensured not only improved texture but also enhanced durability over time .

Throughout this process , attention was paid towards maintaining consistency between different sections within same room as well ensuring seamless transitions from one area another thus adding overall coherence entire project .


The outcome? A remarkable transformation! The once scuffed and grey materials now sported fresh bright tones resembling their original glory days when first installed decades ago . Every single room underwent significant change – shining hardwood floors now accentuated other interior design aspects beautifully including window views , wall paint shades even trim details around doors etc .

Moreover , thanks largely due diligence put forth by dedicated staff members here at GJP Floor Sandings London , homeowners could enjoy peace mind knowing workmanship quality met highest industry standards backed membership affiliations reputable bodies like Checkatrade Which Trusted Traders scheme!

From rugged textures smooth clean lines perfect harmony big open windows- final product truly reflected expertise dedication brought table throughout duration project completion thereby fulfilling promise delivering ‘perfect’ floor always wanted !


Are you looking similar kind makeover your own home ? Don’t hesitate contact us today discuss possibilities await beneath surface those seemingly hopeless cases waiting be discovered given second chance shine once more !

With 21 years experience under belt serving customers across London UK region offering wide range services ranging stair sandings fire hearth removals among others rest assured capable handling whatever flooring challenges might throw way !

Upgrade Your Floors: Discover Our Flooring Solutions

Breathe new life into your space with our expert flooring solutions. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your needs and get a free quote.